Monday, January 01, 2007

Muffin Man...

...Picked up his stool, carried it to the cabinet near the sink, climbed up, opened the cabinet that holds the drinking glasses, got one of his plastic tumblers, closed the cabinet door, climbed down, carried his tumbler to the fridge, opened the fridge, got out the jug of filtered water (only 1/3 full), handed his tumbler to me, said, "Would you please hold this while I pour?", poured the water, put the jug away in the fridge, returned his stool to its home, retrieved his glass of water from me, drank it, and put the tumbler in the sink.

...Put out dessert plates for everyone after dinner tonight, brought out the cake, went and got a butter knife and started to cut the cake (we stopped him, but excellent try, kiddo!)

Where the heck has my baby gone?

(Said as he's running by at the speed of light)"...I want more cake!" (running by again) "I love sweet, sugary things!" (The grown-ups laugh and I remark, doing my best Slim Pickins, "I think you've had enough.")


Mieke said...

I don't know where my brain is...when I read your post it took me forever to realize you meant stool - not stool -as in poop. I was wonderfing where your story was going. Don't ask me why I thought that. I never call poop stool. Too much vacation I think

susan said...

Oh, such a wonderful big boy!

Scrivener said...

That's awesome! Also a sign that it's time to find space in a cabinet lower down to move his cups to so he can get himself his water without having to climb up. At least, that's what my Montessori training has taught me.

Anonymous said...

Blink your eyes and they grow.

purple_kangaroo said...

Awww, they grow up so fast, don't they?

I have plastic dishes in a low cupboard for the kids here, and the girls love it. The older two can get themselves drinks of water or pour themselves cereal and rice milk with no help that way.

Baby E is already getting herself a cup or a bowl when she wants something, and attempting to open the refrigerator or turn on the water spout. I fear the next few months.

ccw said...

NSBH has been pouring her own drinks and it kills me. She moves chairs all over the house to accomplish various tasks.

The independent nature does come in handy on weekends since the girls will get up and feed themselves without waking me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, gotta love that independence!

And Happy New Year, Liz. I'm enjoying catching up on your blog after my hiatus. :)