And it jingled. So tantalizing, so mysterious. How could I wait to open it?
Every so often after it arrived, I gave it a little shake to hear that joyful jingle.
Would I be able to cool my ardor for discovery long enough to wait for the proper time and then remember to take photos?

Oooooh! Look how pretty! Do you see the bell and the cute ornaments? I tied ribbon on the bell and the three of them went on the tree.

My secret Santa revealed: It's DANI!!!

My prezzies all together (minus one magnet that was hiding on the underside of the tin it came in, naughty magnet!!!) 4 beautiful hand-painted magnets - a moon and three stars - with that blue that I love so much featured prominently; a book clip with pretty beads and a little triad of stars hanging off it (is that not the most perfect thing?), and the bell and two ornaments.
My cup runneth over.
You are too incredibly sweet, and so very welcome. I'm glad you liked your gift (though I have to tell you , I'm having serious inadequacy pangs after seeing some of the other gifts!) The blue moon was indeed a nod to your blue glass comment, and the bookmark a nod to a fellow booktart.
I'm glad you liked it, and I'm especially glad I've 'discovered' your blog!
xo Dani
That is lovely.
I'm living vacariously through everyone who has their gifts already!
And don't forget to post what you gave away.
Very cool!
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