Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mystery Mommy rants

MM has seasonal allergies. Heck, all of us here at Chez Mystere have 'em.

MM's ped gave us an rx for the allergy drug beginning with a Z. Insurance said they wouldn't pay for Z until we'd tried Clar!t!n first.

I started him on Clar!t!n on Tuesday night with misgivings. Though I really felt like I should be fighting to put him on Z instead since we have a family history with Clar!t!n. Clar!t!n's adult formula has not had a good track record in this house. And I remembered one of your kids had behavior issues while on Clar!t!n. So...I let MM's teachers know I'd put him on it and we went on with things.

Today his teachers tell me that for the last two days MM has been aggressive with the other kids. Aggressive! Getting up in their faces. Threatening violence. Unable to use his words. MM!

I'm taking him off the Clar!t!n. I called up the ped's after-hours line and they are going to get insurance to cover Z. He may have issues with that as well, but at least we know what to look for.

Bonus! While I was on the phone with the after-hours doctor, MM was having a huge unprovoked screaming fit. She asked, "Is that tantrum normal for him?" I said, "Nope." She said, "Take him off the medication."

I should have listened to my gut. More importantly, with our family history, we shouldn't have had to trial that stuff with him in the first place. I'm mad at me and I'm mad at the stupid insurance company.

And it's not as if they'll pay much of Z anyway. Our co-pay for mine is over $70. Gah.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this - we're having issues with my shy, nonagressive 7 year old son, who is having awful allergies and just started taking his Claritin again.

Gonna see if I can get him switched.

kathy a. said...


Magpie said...

That sucks. I hope the Z works better.

Mummy/Crit said...

That is such a shame. Sorry to hear it's so tricky to find a med that works, and sorry that your health care systems sucks so hard.

purple_kangaroo said...

Ugh, so frustrating! We have to get all that kind of thing compounded and it's not cheap. at. all. My sympathies.

Heather said... have my sympathies...

I'm so grr with the med/healthcare profession right now...

Antropóloga said...

That's no good. Glad you took action.

jenn said...

I'm sorry hun. And I'm sorry for MM too.

But your post has helped out others, so there is - at least - that.