Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I hab gad a code

Ad I hab a sidus idfecshud. I ab tryig nod to ged an ear idfecshud.

In short, I feel like shit. And I couldn't get through to the doctor today. Ah well.

Tomorrow, I'm taking SoccerPlayingBabysitter to visit Nearby University and she's going to sit in on my classes. I arranged it with my professors and she's read the assignments. The book we're discussing tomorrow is one she's also reading for AP English in the Fall. So now, she'll have a bit of a head start on her classmates. She's a rising senior and she's so excited about going off to college next year! Tomorrow I'll let you know how she liked her taste of college.


-R- said...

How cool of you! I hope she likes it.

Anonymous said...

I hab god a code doo.

I feel yo bain.


Anonymous said...

Feel bedduh sood.

halloweenlover said...

You poor thing! I second what Genevieve said.

Yankee, Transferred said...

Shame about the sinus infection. Hot compresses do wonders. I wish Older Daughter had had a cool person to take her to college one day in her senior year. You rock.

KLee said...

Here's wishing you major cold meds and a restful night's sleep. (I sound like a NyQuil commercial, don't I?)

I hope all went well with SoccerPlayingBabysitter. You'll have to let us know how the guided tour went!

ccw said...

Hope you feel better soon!

susan said...

That is a cool thing you're doing with your babysitter.

And like everyone else, I hope you feel better soon, but I am laughing a little because your post reminds me of an e-mail I sent to Politica when we'd been dating just a few weeks. The subject line was "I hab a code" and it made her laugh and it was just a sweet little moment in our early dating.