Saturday, November 28, 2009

At my mom's house

Mom (67)
TellsDonaldDuckStories (64)
His mom (?)
His two brothers (61), (49)
Their wives (64) (44)
My mom's brother (60?)
His wife (65?)
My sister (46)
Her husband (47)
His mom (?)
My cousin KnitsAndQuilts (40)
Her daughter (10)
My cousin WasShyNowFlamboyant (KnitsAndQuilts sister) (21)
Her friend NotAtAllShy (?)
Her daughter (3)
Me (40)
Mr. Spock (51)
Muffin Man (7)
My niece, SpendingASemesterInIndiaThisSpring (16)
My nephew, WasThePrinceInTheKingAndI (13)
My second cousin DrawsReallyWell (30?)
His wife (30?)
Their son (2)
Other assorted cousins (7), (9), (11), (12)

Were here Thursday, TellsDonaldDuckStories step-brother (attained as a grown-up) and his partner.


kathy a. said...

wow, what a wonderful crowd!

Rebecca said...

Wow - what a great time that had to have been!

Happy Thanksgiving!