Monday, December 19, 2005

Sometime over the next week I must:

*Buy a few more presents
*Wrap about 20 packages
*Ship one or two things
*Change the sheets in the guest room and the towels in the guest bath (Hi Mom!)
*Clean house
*Decorate. Seriously. The tree isn't up yet.
*Shop for food for the weekend (Roast beast. I placed the order yesterday at Wegman's)

What I did this past weekend:
*Went to a party at church (I made the ham.) Had a great time.
*Went Christmas shopping with Muffin Man.
*Made and painted bread dough figures with Muffin Man (pictures to follow)
*Went shopping at Wegman's (all three of us. We LOVE Wegman's)
*Ordered stuff from Amazon.

I'm trying not to feel stressed about all the stuff I wanted to do this past weekend (see top list) that I didn't do. Time just ran out on me.


jenn said...

That darned time! Mine ran out too. I've started doing that thing where I decide I don't *really* need to send a gift to so-n-so...

Or that they would really like to open something a week after Christmas...

And baking cookies as gifts only works if I don't then eat all the cookies. Okay, the sister and the cat also ate some - but regardless.


Running2Ks said...

Amen to that this season! For the holiday gifts, I want TIME!