Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pardon me, I'm just coughing up a small rabbit

Seriously, you remember my sinuses from 10 days ago? Well, apparently all that lovely green glop has migrated south.

Antibiotics and decongestants have been started. Sleep will hopefully follow shortly.


Antropóloga said...

Poor thing. Feel better. Enjoy modern medicine.

Mummy/Crit said...

Yerk. i hope it clears soon. Our household has been battling illness for the last week or so, I'm with you there. My rabbits have all but gone now, but the cough remains.

jo(e) said...

Ugh. Hope you start feeling better soon.

susan said...

that is Rest up and recover!

Heather said...

Yucks...Please get better!

kathy a. said...

rest, rest, rest. fluids, ideally delivered by family without spilling and with a straw. [but one of the parts of the mom qualification quiz seems to be, can you get your own fluids if you are deathly ill? good, pass.] wishing you good meds and a good night's sleep, and that the rabbits go away.

Jonas said...

*Can no longer eat his lucky charms*

no longer shall i eat and read blogs at the same time..