Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Random Bullets of Whirlwind Trip to NYC

  1. MM is an artistic genius. He drew a picture of the two of us on the train. In the picture, he has a black magic marker in his hand and is holding a picture of two people (upside down to the viewer, right-side up to the picture of himself). He's drawn a picture of himself drawing a picture of himself. I am flabbergasted.
  2. If you are ever in NYC and you've got your kids with you and its summertime, go to the Hudson River Park across the street from West Beth. There's a sprinkler playground there that is just fantastic. MM ran around there yesterday in his TMNT boxer briefs. We borrowed sunscreen from a mom who was sitting next to us.
  3. The Saturdays is just as good as I remembered it when I was a kid and is a great book to read to a six-year-old with a decent attention span. We read 56 pages of it on the train coming back.
  4. I love walking around Park Slope. What a great neighborhood.
  5. MM is getting to be a seriously big boy. I mean, there was no whining. He was fantastic.
  6. It's always worth getting a red-cap when you are departing from Penn Station if you are with a young child and you get nervous in crowds.
  7. Canvas bags are great to keep in the car for many reasons. Not the least of which is they catch vomit quite nicely.


Anonymous said...

That is amazing. Well done, MM. I'm not sure I could draw taht picture now.

kathy a. said...

that sounds like a fabulous trip! and MM is really growing up, isn't he? what a great guy.

jo(e) said...

I love the book The Saturdays.