Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My son admitted I was right

Twice! In a 24 hour period!



Plus, he's wearing footie pajamas. Right this very minute.

Muffin Man, with his back to the camera, wearing footie pajamas with rockets on them

Muffin Man, with his back to the camera, wearing footie pajamas with rockets on them.


Magpie said...

Mine wears footie pajamas too.

Magpie said...

Oh, but she hasn't actually admitted verbally that I'm right. Yet.

Mummy/Crit said...

WTG Liz! We can't get footie pjs bigger than size 2 here...I bought some for D when he was 4, but that was the last time. I don't think I'd get him into them now.

Liz Miller said...

They're available at Target, here in the States. Would you like me to get some and ship them?

Mummy/Crit said...

Ah, you're a sweetie! I have a fairly regular shopping proxy though (he frequentlly rings me from Target saying "what am I supposed to be buying?") and he bought some for E last time he was there. I love Target, it's just not the same here (they sold the name without franchising rights, turkeys). Thank you for the offer though!