Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Practice makes perfect

I don't know if I've told you folks, but MM will be riding the Big Yellow Bus pretty soon. Kind of ridiculous since his school is within walking distance of our house, but necessary since it is beyond where the sidewalk ends. To get to school using a path with sidewalks would mean walking a mile around the school and coming in from the opposite direction.

Thus, the bus.

It will arrive on our corner every weekday morning at 0729 starting two weeks from today.

We are used to waking up at 0730. You see the problem.

So this week we're practicing. We all wake up somewhere around 0700, get dressed, eat breakfast, walk to the bus-stop (right across the street from our house), wait until 0729, and then go back indoors to play with PlasticBricksFromHolland until it's time to go to day camp.

It's already pretty obvious that we're going to have to move the wake up time up a bit. MM was unable to finish eating breakfast within the time-frame we've currently got.

This means an earlier bedtime. Which means an earlier dinner.


But he's pretty darn excited about it all. Come to that, so am I!


3carnations said...

My son used to have breakfast at daycare, and we left the house at 7:30. Getting him up at 6:45 allowed us to accomplish this, with even a little playtime before we leave. He recently decided he prefers to eat breakfast at home, so he started getting up at 6:30. I get his breakfast ready to the best of my ability before he wakes up, so prep time is minimal after he gets up.

Good luck!

jo(e) said...

When my kids were in elementary school, the bus came at 7:05 am. In the winter, it would still be dark.

The only good thing was that they got home a little after 2 pm.

Madeleine said...

Practicing! You are so clever. I am preparing for the return to school schedules by taking my child across 6 time zones, for the first time in her life.

Ironically, she is going to a camp this week that requires getting out just barely later than leave-for-the-bus time. But this week's effort will be totally obliterated by the trip.

kathy a. said...

i remember practicing earlier risings the week before school started up! also the whole morning-breakfast-got your stuff?-get-out-the-door dance.

Antropóloga said...

At least he's not going to have to be out there before dawn like the kids in my area seem to!

Have fun with your big kid!

Anonymous said...

Very smart of you to do the dry runs ahead of time. 7:29?! I assume he's one of the last pick-ups of the day, too, given your proximity. When does elementary school start? Ours starts at 8:25. Looking forward to our lunch date!

Mummy/Crit said...

Wow, so early!! School here starts at 9.00 for the K-6 age group, and even then we can barely manage it. The beloved likes to sleep in until 7.30, and I'm usually pinned by a breastfeeding baby, so we're lucky if we're out the door by 5 to 9.

ccw said...

I loved when we bought our house which meant that the bus stop was the end of our driveway. It made for an easy mad dash plus I could stay in my pjs and on cold days just watch out the window.

Elementary the bus came at 8:45, the past two years (and now) it comes between 7:20-7:30. Oh how the difference kills me. The only positive is that Kid L can get ready independent of me but I still get up with her most of the time.