Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Random bullets of way too much coffee

  • Why too much coffee? Muffin Man thought that 4:35 was a good time to wake up this morning, and I had to spend a good bit of time convincing him otherwise and also arguing the merits of all of us sleeping in our own fireplacing beds.
  • Results of too much coffee? My hands are shaking and I keep typing letters twice.
  • Other results of too much coffee? I took notes at light speed today. They may or may not make sense or be legible tomorrow.

Tomorrow is "Team Spirit!" day at Posh Place. "Everyone wear a jersey to support your favorite team!" Well, we're not a terribly sports-loving household, not even considering that I'm a jinx. So I had to actually buy a jersey for Muffin Man today. He'll be supporting Nearby University's althletics department tomorrow.


Piece of Work said...

UGH. 4:35 am? Time for a nap!

jenn said...

My last job in the office area - they told me (with much excitement) that we had Hockey Jersey days!

Colour me unimpressed. In fact, slightly miffed at the thought of having to buy some expensive jersey or look a tool (it was clear that this had to be a real team and there were all these politics around who wore what and blarg). Luckily I left before that happened.

This is my new interview questions before taking a job 'do I need to ever wear a hockey jersey to work? no. Okay, I'll take the job.'


purple_kangaroo said...

I hope you and MM both sleep better tonight.

ccw said...

That's way too early to be awake.

Spirit Day for pre-schoolers? That seems over the top for me but I know MM will look gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Go, Nearby University!

I'm generally not a sports fan (though J. is turning me into a member of Red Sox Nation) but I've loved Nearby University's basketball team since I read about their coach suspending a player who did bad things (a deliberate foul that caused injury, maybe? can't remember) even though it could cause his team to miss the Final Four, because it was more important to the coach to make it clear that that behavior was unacceptable.