Thursday, January 29, 2009

I prefer actual politics to office politics

I can't say what my co-worker did today. Suffice to say that I have lost all respect for her and am glad that once we're doing what we're SUPPOSED to be doing, I will have little or nothing to do with her professionally.

On the plus side, next Wednesday will be a winner for me.


Miche said...
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KLee said...

Wow -- It must be good, if you say that you're a WW contender so early in the game!

I can't wait to hear!

How's all the moving stuff going?

Heather said...

Ooooh....this sounds juicy. And pathetic. My husband's coworker also did a dastardly thing and tonight I got to hear about the fall-out. Needless to say, I'm appalled.

Trade you stories over e-mail!

Anonymous said...

OY. Sorry to hear it, and waiting anxiously to hear more about it on Wednesday.