Friday, August 26, 2005


Yes, Muffin Man did it. He pooped in the potty this morning. He sat there for about 10 minutes "reading" a book, while I was in the next room doing some ironing. He called us in to look and we all admired that adult-sized poop sitting in the adult-sized toilet in our bathroom. I couldn't be prouder.

Muffin Man got a very big sheet of stickers for his very big accomplishment.


moxiemomma said...

yay muffin man!!! wooo hooooooooo!

isn't it amazing how big those little kid poops can be?

ccw said...

Yeah, muffin man!! I can't wait until we get to start admiring poop. (That just sounds wrong, but you know what I mean)

Piece of Work said...

Congratulations! Oh how I long for the day when that happens at my house!

Suburban Turmoil said...

Yay! Muffin Man has proven it's possible to poop in the toilet! I'm dreading this experience in my house, but I'm dreading the next poopy diaper even more....

Liz Miller said...

Welcome lucinda!

Yankee, Transferred said...

Oh boy! It's all good from here on in. I missed my babies, but not their diapers as they grew.

Yankee, Transferred said...

...oh, yeah, and it's PERFECT that he took reading material with him! Such a guy!

Liz Miller said...

Actually, YT, I taught him that one.

There is no better place for a quiet, uninterrupted read than on the pot.

KLee said...

Yay for Muffin Man! Congrats on meeting this milestone! (And, I can't wait for the critiques of the poop! Offspring once came to get me from another room, and said, "Come look, Mommy! I made a poop snake!" We went in to inspect the poop, and there it was, curled in a perfect spiral. Ah, memories. :)

Give MM a big high five from the blogosphere!

halloweenlover said...

HURRAY for muffin man!!! He is brilliant and very prolific, clearly.

susan said...

Congrats all around!!! (We have had snake poop at our house too...and sometimes my daughter talks to the poop as it flushes, as in "bye, snake poop!") What was he reading?

Julie said...

That's great...especially the book!

Phantom Scribbler said...

Muffin Man is my hero. Both the book and the poop. What a hero. What a guy.

Running2Ks said...

How fantastic! That is great news! Woo hoo!

Liz Miller said...

The book is a collection of 7 stories: Henny Penny, The Little Red Hen, Little Red Riding Hood, The Gingerbread Man, The Princess and the Pea, The Magic Porridge Pot, and The Ugly Duckling.

Scrivener said...

Hooray for MM!! It is so much easier and more pleasant once they're using the potty, isn't it?

Mummy/Crit said...

Yay to you both, another step on the road of 'growing up'. I tell you though, D has just become totally self sufficient in the toilet - takes himself there, does his thing, wipes, flushes, washes his hands, and then returns. It's great. I remember washing nappies when he was almost 2 thinking "this can't possibly go on much longer"...and it didn't. And then there was the time he was wandering around the house with no nappy on at about 18 months (polished wood floor, no carpet) and came to me excitedly exclaiming "poo!" and took me to the back door, where he had done it. On the floor. But we recognised it as a step in the right direction as we cleaned it up...

RaeJane said...

Love that!

My Mara just started pooping on the potty too.

What a relief.. I was tired of gagging every time I had to change her princess panties.

Weird, I never gagged when it was in a diaper.