They are made of warm, machine washable, knitted silk. My grandma sent them to me last birthday. I love them.
Here is Muffin Man after a hard evening's work trick-or-treating.
He went as Captain Feathersword, with a concert-bought hat and sword (which he decided against carrying, in favor of his pumpkin bucket o' candy and his pumkin flashlight, hence the title of this post). The rest of his costume is made up of blue pants, white shirt (both courtesy The Gap) and a red quilted vest complete with yellow electrician's tape cut to resemble the Captain's Magic Buttons (he's got half-a-dozen).
This was only MM's second year trick-or-treating, but he was already leaving us behind at the curb and going off by himself to ring the door bell and shout "Trick-or-Treat!!!!" loudly enough for us to hear from the mail-boxes at the end of the drive-ways. I got so choaked up, my little boy is not so little anymore. After a few houses, I actually left him with his dad and went back to the house to greet the other neighborhood children.
When MM got tired, he came back to help give out candy, two to a customer. He took his job so seriously!!!
Halloween is definitely one of his top two favorite holidays!
You Are 40% Weird |
Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! |
I probably won't be posting much due to:
SingsLullabyes and MakesBooksForGrandkids are coming for a visit. They'll be here tonight and will leave Sunday. I'm looking forward to a good visit.
While they're here to look after Muffin Man, we're having a yard sale tomorrow. For sale are Muffin Man's stroller, booster seat & Pack-n-Play (with bassinet and changing table accessories), lots of clothes, kitchen items, lawn items, and books. Also a chair with ottoman that my better half brought into the marriage. I can't wait to get this stuff out of our garage. We would sell the three plastic potties, but MM is currently using them as stools to reach the sinks in our bathrooms. (Note to self: buy better step-stools)
So I'll catch you all Sunday night or Monday. Have a lovely weekend!
* Thanks Genevieve!! I was stuck for this last verse and you wrote it for me.
And I still owe you a prize from before. Two prizes now. Thanks again!!!
Q: “Have you ever been the victim of a crime?”A: “Yes, I was home during a push-in robbery when I was 10, and held-up twice at gunpoint while workingAfter I answered a few more questions and the rest of the pool were questioned, we were sent out into the hall to wait. No benches here, just a few radiators and one chair they brought out for the ubiquitous grandmotherly lady with the high blood-pressure. We waited. And waited. And took bets on who they’d pick. Everyone but me thought they’d choose me. I knew they wouldn’t. I was right.
Q: “Wow. Anyone else in your family ever been the victim of a crime?”
A: “Aside from car thefts and burglaries when no one was home, no. I’m the crime magnet in the family.” (Laughter) I could see the lawyer for the defense decide not to take me.
Q: “Are you an attorney, related to an attorney or work for an attorney?”
A: “I’m working part-time as an office manager for [insert name of Big Time Defense Lawyer].” (There went the prosecution’s vote).
J&K Moving & Storage is generously providing its trucks, facilities and manpower to collect, palletize and ship donations to the victims of Hurricane Katrina...a collection truck [will be] onsite at Capital Community Church from Wednesday through Sunday morning this week. After Sunday, everything collected will be added to a larger shipment and delivered directly to people in need ASAP.
The types of items that can be utilized by the hurricane victims include:
- Water
- Drinks (no powdered drinks)
- Non perishable food
- Blankets & Pillows
- Clothing
- Toys & games for kids
- Toiletries
- Tools, etc. (you probably have a good idea as to what people need)
If you have anything you can donate, please drop it off at Capital Community Church on 20430 Ashburn Village Blvd. When traveling toward Rt. 7 on AVB, the church is on the right after you pass the sports pavilion. If you drop off during the weekdays, you can leave donations in the church lobby. In the evenings and on the weekend, you can take your donations directly to the truck as volunteers will be helping to load.
If you have any questions, you can call...the church at 703-858-3864 ext. 200
Hooray for J&K, you can be sure we'll call them first the next time we need to move. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have a web page, or I'd link to them.